Dajcor Aluminum

Aluminum Anodizing

As an Ontario aluminum anodizer, Dajcor offers standard anodized aluminum finishes such as bright and satin clear, gold, bronze, brown, and black anodizing. We also offer increasingly popular anodized aluminum finishes satin nickel, stainless steel, titanium, and brushed nickel, as well as electrolytic colour anodizing for lengths up to 28’.

Custom Anodizing With Our Automated Anodize Line

With a state of the art automated anodize line, Dajcor has the ability to provide chemically brite dip anodizing in a wide range of standard and specialty colours of your choice, handling lengths up to 12'6". Our standard aluminum anodizing colours are clear, bronze/brown, gold, brass and black, while specialty colours can be provided through matching your colour preferences. Our expertise in matching anodizing colours and anodized aluminum finishes is what sets Dajcor apart from our competition.

Dajcor's anodize lines are perfectly suited for custom anodizing programs. We offer quick lead times, excellent quality and bright, satin and electrolytic finishes, to put the 'finishing touch' on your aluminum products.

Extensive fabrication and extrusion capability

Dajcor provides mechanical finishes such as buffing, belting and deburring to complement our chemical finishing capabilities. Our ability to provide in house anodizing and mechanical finishing separates Dajcor from the competition.

Case Studies

Bloated Inventories

How Dajcor Aluminum Solved an Ontario Manufacturer’s Problem with Bloated Inventories and Aluminum Extrusion Quality Issues

Subcontracting Headaches

How Dajcor Aluminum Solved Southwestern Ontario Company’s Subcontracting Headaches


General questions

Aluminum Extrusion refers to a process of creating shapes with an aluminum billet or log by forcing it to flow through a shaped opening in a die. Aluminum can be extruded into standard shapes or specific designs depending on a customer’s preference.

Aluminum Fabrication refers to building aluminum components by cutting, mitering, notching, piercing, forming, bending, CNC machining, mechanical assembly and welding.

Aluminum Anodization is an electro-chemical process of coating aluminum with a thin layer of oxide to increase corrosion resistance and harden the surface.  Aluminum also can be dyed with various anodizing colours, which in most cases, are resistant to sunlight.

There are three types of aluminum anodization: Type 1 Chromic Acid Anodizing (CAA) and Type II & III Sulfuric Acid Anodizing (SAA).

Type I: Chromic Acid Anodizing (CAA)

Chromic Acid Anodizing represents the oldest anodizing process.  It produces thinner films with a thickness of 0.5 µm to 18 µm that are softer, elastic, and to a degree self-healing.  They are harder to dye, and that they could be applied as a pretreatment before painting.

Type II & III: Sulfuric Acid Anodizing (SAA)

Sulfuric Acid Anodizing is the most commonly used system.  Type II anodizing refers to coatings of moderate thickness, 1.8µm to 25µm while Type III refers to coatings thicker than 25µm. Thick coatings require more process control, and are produced in a refrigerated tank near the freezing point of water with higher voltages than the thinner coatings. Hard anodizing can be made between 13 and 150 µm thick. Anodizing thickness increases wear resistance, corrosion resistance, ability to retain lubricants and PTFE coatings, and electrical and thermal insulation.

*Dajcor performs Type II aluminum anodizing

  • minimizes or eliminates striations, shadow lines, flow lines, surface defects, minor corrosion and die lines.
  • uses fluoride ions that attack the microstructures of the aluminum extrusion, resulting in a significant reduction or elimination of surface defects, providing a superior matte finish. 
  • acid etch provides a greener alternative to conventional etching processes, reducing the amount of waste sludge by 90%, which results in less sludge going into landfills. 
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